Monday, July 11, 2011

Skye the Circus Dog- Tah Dah!

Skye balancing on the bridge
No, Skye is not practicing for Ringling Brothers.

We went on a new hike yesterday (before the heat of the day kicked in). "We" consisted of DH, DD#1, DSiL, and myself, plus the three collies. We'd heard there was a trail to a waterfall in a nearby park (in reality, a dam overflow, since that part of our county is not on a fall line). DH wanted to see it, so we all piled into DD's Equinox and headed there.
First, the view from atop the dam:
Atop the dam
Now the waterfall:
Niagara it ain't.

The collies were encouraged to frolic in the stream to stay cool. Skye decided that following DD across the log was the better option.
Skye follows DD

Coll was shown by Rocky how to ford the stream (I would not let Rocky, who is 10 and a half, on the log you see- the risk of injury was too great). Rocky forded so quickly we could not get a photo of him doing so.
Coll in the stream
Just like Lassie Come Home fording the River Tyne, right Coll?

Rocky deigned to pose at the end of the hike. He is head collie, after all.
Good boy

In other news, I was picked for a jury; judges here have a strict definition of what constitutes personal hardship. Fortunately, the trial should end mid-week, so not bad. DH has no fewer than 3 job offers IF the folks who offer have money. They won't know until next month or thereabouts. I can't schedule interviews until the trial is over, so my job search is more research into potnetial employers right now.
I keep intending to pick up needles and finish the baby gift for my niece, then start some just-in-case bibs for quick gifts. Plus I need to make myself some face cloths. I really should make those cloths. Inertia, I haz it and hates it.

1 comment:

Celia said...

That looks like a fun hike. Goodluck with the job search. I hope you don't have to end up on the jury.