Monday, December 6, 2010

Days of Wine and, er, Wine

As I look over my knitting for 2010, I'm struck by a couple of major color themes that emerged.

First was the blue theme, with Milkshake and Carefree both in shades of blue. Then there was the Bluebell scarf in deep silver-shot blue, Swallowtail shawl in lovely azure. Added the Undulating Rib socks to the mix of azures. Seguéed to the teal of Twist, and the marine blue plus ivory that is the Toggle Knot Cable sweater. Which led to an ivory Wilson hat, tied to the pale beige of a Shetland shawl and the cream of a kitchen towel. Oh sure I got side-tracked along the way, with a pink Shetland Triangle shawl and a bunch of colorful baby accessories, not to mention a blanket for DD#2.

But the days of wine and wine are upon us. Perhaps they started with Evenstar and the Hugs & Kisses scarf, both in the same deep shade of burgundy wine. Now here's Peggy, in a claret color I could drink.
Peggy finis
The recipient is happy with Peggy's fit and claims it is her warmest sweater (no doubt the alpaca in the yarn is part of the reason):
Jeb models Peggy
I'm still plodding away on wine-dark Maidenhair. Making this is an odyssey in itself: 55 repeats of 55 rows of 235 stitches. No wonder I feel inebriated when I work on it. To finish off the year, how about Norah Gaughan's Silures in port-red yarn?
Silures vest 2
The yarn is Rowan Magpie Aran, color, Ruby. The vest is DH's belated birthday gift (hey, I can only knit so quickly). If we were to sample wines to match these yarns, we'd have port, claret, Burgundy, Zinfandel, maybe even Beaujolais or Côtes du Provence. I could drink to that!

Speaking of DH, he will have his hernia repair done one week from tomorrow. It will be same-day surgery but not laparoscopic surgery (hernia too big for that procedure). All positive prayers, thoughts, and wishes greatly appreciated.


fleegle said...

I will be thinking of your DH and hope everything goes well!

And there's nothing like a good wine, er, whine.

Lovely colors, gorgeous sweater!

Donna Lee said...

Positive thoughts going out to you and your husband and the surgical team.

The sweater fits perfectly and the recipient looks thrilled. My husband is a big guy and the alpaca I'm using is hand spun so it's thinner in some places (I spin fairly evenly but I'm far from perfect) and it's taking forever. I love working on it but it's a little boring. It's probably a size 42 or so, so you know it's a lot of knitting in the round.

Henya said...

Hope all will we good with your DH. I love your color introspection.

Celia said...

Gorgeous color!

Experimental Knitter said...

Thanks to everyone for your good wishes- they must have worked!