A Rogue Post and a (Nearly) Reversible Guernsey Hat
Now I have nothing aqainst Gitta Schrade; she does marvelous designs, and DD#1 did say she yearned for a long cabled sweater with a belt, so way back when (April? May?), I started such a thing out of seafoam SheepsWool. And wasn't liking it, it was not a fun knit, easy but not fun. Then DD#1 flipped through the 25th anniversary VK Fall 2007 that just came, and sighed after the lacey hoodie. She is addicted to hoodies. I can't break her of it. Lace is not her thing or style (good, I don't want to knit a cardi from side to side; did one for her when she was young and the cardi was small). She did mention liking the Celtic cables on Rogue though. So I join the ranks of countless knitters who have made the Rogue sweater (get it here). And fortunately, I have amassed a little stash of Rowan Magpie (heh, heh), including 2 shades of green, one of which is sure to please DD#1. Indeed, DD#1 has been deciding on which green (Morning Dew or a blue-green that's not quite teal, nor turquoise) since Sunday. And yes, a pullover style will suit her, so no "cardiganizing." Whew.
Speaking of my small stash of Magpie, scroll down to my destashing post, which I've been updating. I have 20, yes, 20 skeins of Magpie available. 10 are Rose, a lovely color but no one else in the famiglia wants to wear it (OK, I do, but I already made myself something out of Rose Magpie). 10 are a light pearl grey. I would love to trade for Magpie in other colors like Ruby, Moss, Lagoon. E-mail me (button at left) and we can discuss.
Update: DD decided to go with the Morning Dew (it was tough, took her over 3 days to decide!).
As promised,a peek at the Guernsey hat featuring Channel Island cast-on that I modified:
The tree motif is mine, the cable is a 3-st mock cable, and the diagnoals are the familiar motif known as "marriage lines." This is the way I'm knitting it; Guernsey patterns being traditionally on a purl background. But just look at the reverse side: I like it better; certainly the marriage lines show up crisper. Dang! if I hadn't done a cable but stuck to a traditional ribbing pattern, I could finish this hat to the reverse-side out. I like the Channel island cast-on this way too, 'course if someone were to turn the brim up, this side would not show. Remember folks, this cast-on does look a bit different from either side. I recall EZ wrote an article on it for VK, and she said she couldn't decide which way she like it better (I think I recall that, or maybe Meg Swansen wrote it). I agree, both sides are too pretty to ignore. So what do you think? Which side looks better to you? I'd be interested to hear your opinions.
**Sigh** That Skye is definitely the problem
child Dog in this household. See what he did? He flipped his dog bed onto Rocky- and is lying down on Rocky (Rocky is busy chewing a Nylabone toy). We have no idea what possessed Skye.....
I'll be offline until Sunday, Saturday being the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur); spent in synagogue in fasting, prayer, and repentance. To everyone fasting, have an easy fast, and for everyone, may you be sealed in the Book of Good Life for the coming year.
1 comment:
It looks very very warm! I like the first one--it looks a bit more cable-y.
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