Monday, December 17, 2007

Gaudeamus Igitur! She's In!

Gaudeamus igitur,
Iuvenes dum sumus;
Post iucundam iuventutem,
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus,
Nos habebit humus.

(Big ellipsis here as I skip 2 verses.)

Vivat academia,
Vivant professores,
Vivat membrum quod libet,
Vivant membra quae libet;
Semper sint in flore,
Semper sint in flore.

(Sung to the last tune of Brahms' "Academic Festival Overture" or the tune usually played when cartoons show a college ...)

Progess on my office is slow, pain in my neck, back, and shoulders is constant. Add to that the tension of December early decision, being that DD#2 applied that way to my alma mater (OK, DH's too; his PhD is from there). Saturday, notification day, passed without an envelope thick or thin from that austere abode of scholars. Saturday night after Sabbath, DD#2 decided it was high time to check e-mail, on the off-chance that electronic notification came. In seconds I heard shrieks: "Mom, come here. COME HERE QUICKLY!" She was screaming and crying simultaneously as she read out loud her notification that she has been accepted into The Johns Hopkins University Class of 2012. I was screaming and crying so much that I was hoarse for the rest of the night. DD#1 was jumping for joy, the collies didn't know if we were happy or needed their help (think Lassie and Timmy and you get the idea). DH was still in synagogue. Then DD#2 asked in a small voice, "Mom, they wouldn't send this out as a joke, ...would they?" Not hardly! Needless to say, thoughts of picking up needles flew to the wayside as happy phone calls went out and plans were made for a celebratory dinner out on Sunday, nor'easter or no.

Well, I'll really have to get cracking to finish Rogue for DD#1 so I can make college-worthy sweaters and more warm boot socks for DD#2. Not that Baltimore is nearly as cold as northern NJ, but she'll be walking around a lot in a rainy place. Such a happy time, at least until later today when the official letter with financial aid offer comes!


Sara said...

From JHU Class of 86, congratulations!

Experimental Knitter said...

Thank you from the Experimental Knitter, JHU Class of 1976!