Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm Back and I'm Knitting Again

Oh boy, the knitting hiatus is over. I have an office, I can use my ergonomic computer desk, my neck no longer aches, and I can knit without pain once again. I hate having to give up knitting temporarily, but it sure beat having to give it up for good due to nerve damage! Since picking up needles again I finished 1 Lupine sock, am about 25% done with the leg of the second Lupine sock, discovered that I slipped the sts for the sk2p purlwise instead of knitwise in the border, decided that I don't care, it's only a sock. Who'll ever notice? I certainly won't tell.

On the non-knitting side, DH and I had tix to Carnegie Hall last week to see Alison Krauss with Bobby McFerrin and Edgar Meyers. We had a lovely dinner at a new spot in the theater district, a bracing (hey, it was cold!) walk uptown where DH agreed to indulge me in a visit to the beauty floor at Bergdorf's (although he claimed to be having a "tesosterone nightmare" there, he did consent to buy me a bottle of Jo Malone scent, what a guy), then an uneventful walk crosstown. Only to find a near-riot at Carnegie hall because Alison Krauss canceled at the last minute. Ah well, she became ill, what can you do? I parked myself at a nearby Starbuck's while DH went to get the car (he will only park it at Lincoln Center), enjoyed some mineral water and Latin jazz by Kenny G. That is to say, a brand-new album just out called "Rhythm and Romance" and it is so delightful, to me at least, that I had to have it. iTunes and Amazon downloads both have it.

Today DH is ill so I'm home unexpectedly, and knitting a little bit. I do have an experiment to finish up and DH has a class to teach, though how he'll manage is beyond me. Tomorrow I have a mandatory training session at the VA. I expect to get a lot more knitting done, if this one is anything like the ones I had to sit through over the summer. Might even finish the sock.

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