Back in Play
So look what I dragged out from the back of the closet and began working on again. Yup, the AS Maidenhair shawl. I am now at the halfway mark (assuming I have enough Jamieson Soft Shetland to get to 11 full repeats of the big diamond motif;I have 6 full skeins left). The pattern is really easy and quite fun:
I left out the bobbles to save yarn and because who wants to lean back against them anyway?
Rugged did not get ignored, see? Almost at the shoulder of the back. Today's plan is to finish the back of Rugged and start the front.
And I took some photos of the Lace Dream shawl dressed and modeled by Daughter #1, a bride-elect:
She told me the shawl was heavy on her arms (!), whereupon I threw it up in the air to show her how it floated down.
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