Knitting Accessories for Hair: A New Trend?
With D#1's wedding coming up, I'm teaching myself how to make an up-do. While perusing the internet for handy-dandy gadgets (what knitter doesn't like gadgets?), I came across this: Doesn't it look like a stitch holder with a fancy stitch marker strung on it?
By the way, these stitch marker come from Chicken Stitches. Non-sheep markers are available too, in case you want some for your hair and your knitting. And of course, you'll want to top off your up-do with your wooden DPNs, right?
Last night was spent repairing the vests. Heartfelt thanks to Merri Williams of The Fiber Addict for the Lamb's Pride. She was kind enough to send me enough to reinforce the cast-on edge all the way around. As for the ripped cable in Rugged, I rewove as best I could; that vest is so well-worn from the years that the yarn is threadbare in many spots, yet DH loves it so. For the ripped V of the Tahki Donegal vest, that was easier than I thought: flipped it inside out and repaired it so it's invisible on the outside. DH promises to be super-careful taking off vests, and has recently bought a new belt; now he won't be ripping out cables or snagging edges on the new rounded buckle. After repairs, vests were washed in Eucalan and are now resting quietly on drying racks and towels. They've been through an ordeal.
Finally, I'd like to show you how Addi, maker of marvelous circular needles, can try to convince you to part with over $100 in gadgets you already have around your house for $0.00. Yep, specialized circs meant to be stitch holders not knitting needles. Seriously, who doesn't have a) some smooth cotton yarn or perle cotton lying around; b) extra circs to pass sts onto, tying off ends with a rubber band? There now, I've just saved you $10.50 a pop for each needle size!
Do I want sheep in my hair? Um. Maybe I'll look for some stitch markers with frogs on them and I can make Frog Hair! Hahahahahahaha...
I think maybe you need to make DH vests out of carbon fiber! Or Kevlar! Then he will have a bulletproof vest!! Ok, I'm leaving now...dragging my puns in my wake...
I've seen poppies, pearls, more sheep, and crystals. Bet someone made frog stitch markers- unless that's bad luck. The same person on Etsy made some real pearl markers that would be stunning earrings. If I ever come across frog beads, I'll make you some markers.
I already told DH that I would look for Kevlar I can knit. As for the 5 lbs of wool you suggested he owes me, I'm going to show him the Zephyr 4/18 DK when it arrives, and tell him that's the first 2 lbs.
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