Sunday, June 26, 2011

Flowers in Bloom

Todays I'm showing off my flowers in bloom.

I have a shady property. For years I tried to fight nature and grow roses, which need a lot of sunlight. A few years ago, after discovering deer feasting on my Sonia roses, I gave them away and planted hydrangeas, which like shade. I have one climbing rose in a sunny corner that started as a tiny cane and now covers the trellis. Soon my lavender and black-eyed Susans will be in full-bloom, then my later-blooming hydrangea will open. I should have flowers pretty much until November. Enjoy!


Henya said...

They are beutiful!

Donna Lee said...

Those are beautiful. I've been admiring the variety of hydrangea bushes that I've seen lately. I think I am now craving one of my own.

Celia said...

Everything is in bloom all at once! Very nice!