Friday, June 24, 2011

LA Photos

Franklin Canyon  16
Yes, that's a photo of LA: Franklin Canyon Park, just north of Beverly Hills.

We had a mostly pleasant time in LA. Sad yet not sad was the time spent going through my mother's things and sorting them. DD #1 and I now have lovely new hats, and DD #2 has several gorgeous dressy suits. I inherited nearly all my mother's jewelry, but several pieces cannot be found. Towards the end of her life she told my brothers people were stealing from her (she had people to clean and people to help care for her and my father). They dismissed her fears as paranoia, and now her diamond engagement ring, platinum wedding band, name necklace, jewelry from Israel, and more are gone. Being she hid some of her jewelry in unlikely places (DD #2 reached into the pocket of a coat she tried on and pulled out a gold watch, diamond bracelet and earrings, gold necklace, and gold bracelet- all stuffed in that one pocket), we are hopeful that some of the missing items will turn up when the house is packed later this summer (my father is moving to my brother's new house, which has a separate apartment suite).

We went through old family photos. I found the original of my mother's passport photo taken in Germany before she emigrated to America. The daughters were enthralled to see the old albums. My sister-in-law had the presence of mind to find all the loose photos she could, to store them in advance of movers coming. On another trip, we'll go through all the photos so that copies can be made for everyone.

I'll also be getting my parents' living room suite. My father prefers to use the family room furniture in his new apartment (I can see why: more comfortable for him with his needing to put his legs up now). So I'll be arranging for a small mover (that's what they're called!) to move the various pieces from LA to NJ.

On the job front I have more interviews lined up next week, in between nephew's wedding, post-wedding parties (called sheva brochas, or seven blessings for the special blessing recited in honor of the bridal coupled during the grace after meals), and checking out of the VA, then in again as a volunteer (give up old ID; get new ID). DH has some job leads and interviews, even an offer from someone who won't have money to hire until grant funding comes through- in October. I have some freelance work; maybe I can pick up enough to hold us over until we find permanent employment.

Meanwhile, enjoy some more photos from LA.
Franklin Canyon 4
Franklin Canyon Park again
Mulholland Dr 11
View from Mulholland Drive, summit of Santa Monica Mountain range
Mulholland Dr 8
View of Beverly Hills and nearby area from Mulholland Drive
impatiens 1
Near my brother's house


Celia said...

That sucks that people were stealing from her. Ugh! You can't prove who did it though. I hope this is a step to some healing.

fleegle said...

I do so hope you can find work Freelance kind of sucks:(