Lost Treasure Reclaimed
I made this sweater in the winter of 1993-1994. I remember making this sweater that horrid winter when the snow fell so deep and so fast I couldn't let DD#2 out of the house, for it was over her head most times! I ran into this book, Lang Tricot Actuel #120 in a knitting store on the Upper East Side while walking to the NY Academy of Sciences for a meeting. The entire book is full of yummy sweaters like this one, mostly for DK-weight yarn. I took the book to my LYS, which was having an after-Christmas sale on Filature di Crosa 501 (among other things) and bought some in lilac, and had lots of time to knit during snowstorms as it turned out. Here's the result:
Does look better on her though. I must say she's a brave lady, wearing all ivory and holding a paint brush ever so casually. Why do I write this post? I lost the book! It is long OOP, even Velona doesn't have it (and Velona wanted $60 for it!). BUT I found it, along with Lang #131 on eBay for something like $5, plus postage. And the sweaters in Lang #120 are just as gorgeous as I recall. Here's the cover: Don't you just love the harmony of textures with the little bit of colorwork? And doesn't the cable through the V-neck make it look more polished than just a ribbed V-neck? I love the aqua color. Don't know about the double scarves 'round her head though. What were they thinking? For the most part, the photography is very sharp, the models appealing, and there's a bit of a hunting theme with the props in a lot of the photos. Very Mittel-Europaische. No Tyrolean sweaters though, too bad; one in loden green with metal buttons would have fit right in with the rest. Now look at this twin set:
I'd make the cardi, in that mocha color, in a heartbeat (as if I need another cardi, but that's another story).
Men do not get short-shrift either, check this beauty out:
I'd make it for myself since DH only wears vests (it's his mishegass, that's Yiddish via Hebrew for brand of nuttiness). I'm not a yellow person but I do like that color. More like butternut squash or almond or evening primrose plus something else.
British-looking, no? Reminds me of Sasha Kagan or Susan Duckworth, though not nearly as intricate. Elegant. I'd probably making a different neck though. A cowl neck in merino or wool/angora might be too warm for wearing all day.
And then there's lace. Not full-blown lace, but still, it's a pretty set. Maybe forget the skirt if one is not shaped like a pencil (I speak of myself, truly). Would like to see the scarf extended. The French text calls it a chale, which means shawl. I do like it, think it's a candidate for a silk blend, something fine and drapey. See what I mean about the hunting thing? The pheasant feathers. Why else is she wearing them? Seriously, they detract from the look of the suit.
Do you know how to say swatch in French? It's echatillon. Now if we all say echatillon instead of swatch, maybe it'll sound more enchante (enchanting, as in "Enchante de faire votre connaissance," or "Pleased to meet you"). These are my favorite sweaters, there are lots more. Now how much do you want to bet my original copy will show up in the house? If it does, watch for it being offered.
I am going to say that those are among the loveliest bunch of sweaters in a single book. The white one on top is fabulous. I am glad you found the book again so we can see you make more of them. I also liked the white one further down with the colorful inset.
Yeah, I love that one too, love wearing it but it has to be real cold to get to wear it. It was fun to knit, much easier than it looks.
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